The holiday season is filled with traditions, food and wish lists! Catch up with our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors to find out their holiday favorites!

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Putting up and decorating the tree
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Apple pie
What do you want for Christmas this year?
A laptop for myself

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
I love decorating the house with lights with a glass of wine and will do this every year as long as I am able!
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Cookies stand no chance against me
What do you want for Christmas this year?
What I really want is a magical solution that makes dirty dishes and dog poop in the yard disappear, but I’ll settle for cute new shoes.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
1- We watch It’s a Wonderful Life every year on Christmas Eve.
2- Matching Christmas PJs every year
3- We watch a lot of Christmas movies throughout the month of December and drink lots of hot cocoa!
4- We pick one day on Christmas break and watch a movie that has at least three in the series! Like The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc. We literally watch all day and have lots of snacks and hang out in our PJs!
What do you want for Christmas this year?
Instant Pot

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and basically reciting it word for word…”Oh, Eddie. If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am now.”
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Sugar cookies!
What do you want for Christmas this year?
A stress-free flight on Christmas Eve with 3 kids! It seemed like a good idea at the time…

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Driving around looking at Christmas lights and going to the movies
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
To come home to a clean house!

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Making and decorating cookies making with family & hot chocolate
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
TAMALES, pies, cupcakes, cakes, Mom’s salsa & Grandma’s tortillas
What do you want for Christmas this year?
I honestly don’t know. I really want the collection of Lil Libros books, so I can read to my son! They have a Selena book & they’re bilingual.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
We watch Elf while we put up our tree.
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
A Red Rider BB gun. Just kidding. I want someone that is not me to clean my house spotless while I lay on the couch watching Netflix and drinking mimosas.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Decorating our memory Christmas tree with my husband and children the weekend after Thanksgiving
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
World peace

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Listening to Christmas songs while decorating the tree
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
All the sweets that abound at Christmas
What do you want for Christmas this year?
No gift in particular, but I’m looking forward to time with family

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Decorating the tree
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Something with mint in it
What do you want for Christmas this year?
For my 5-year-old to read to me

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Family gift exchange
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
My mom’s pan de polvo and tamales
What do you want for Christmas this year?
Peace and understanding

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Advent wreath and candles
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Tamales and pozole

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah, so I love decorating the Christmas tree together with my family, and I love lighting the candles for the 8 nights of Hanukkah with my kiddos.
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Molasses cookies – I make them every Christmas
What do you want for Christmas this year?
We moved in May and are very slowly decorating. I’d like some bar stools for our kitchen island so I don’t have to keep telling my kids to get away from the fridge and the stove. They want to be involved, but they need a place to call their own.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Popping fireworks and breaking a piñata
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
My house decluttered and clean! Seriously. That’s it. I don’t want or need anything else.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Christmas tree!
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Jellied Cranberry Sauce. Mmm. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, it is a staple! Also…stuffing and cheesy hash brown casserole.
What do you want for Christmas this year?