August is here! It’s World Breastfeeding Month, almost time to go back to school, and we aren’t done having fun with the family all around the Rio Grande Valley. Read on for some of our top picks for Family Fun activities and events for everyone to enjoy this month, but surely we’ve missed a few — be sure to add your events to our Community Calendar!

Family Summer Adventure Challenge [ongoing]
Family Fun Night Activities [August 3rd]
Stars and Skies Mysteries [August 3rd]
Bubble Concert in the Park! [August 3rd]
2017 Viva McAllen Streets [August 5th]
EWBC Webelos Boy Scout Day [August 5th]
EWBC Puppet Show: Life at the Wetlands [August 5th]
RGV’s Big Latch On and Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week [August 5th]
Saturday Discovery Days: Nature Challenge [August 5th]
Moana: Movies in the Park [August 5th]
Kids Appreciation Day at GPZ [August 6th]
Brownsville Farmers Market [Every Saturday]
Quinta Mazatlan Family Forest Walk [Every Saturday]
Prenatal Yoga [Every Tuesday]
NWA Wrestling Revolution [Every Friday]
Texas Sales Tax Holiday [August 11-13]
RGV Family Summer Adventure Challenge [ongoing]
EWBC Summer Evenings [August 8th]
Bird and Nature Hike [August 9th]
Family Fun Night Activities [August 10th]
Evening Explorations: Bear Clan & Early Cultural Night [August 10th]
Jardin del Arte [August 11th]
Friday Night Hike [August 11th]
Family Forest Walk [August 12th]
Butterfly Walk [August 12th]
Dinner Tonight Junior [August 12th]
Brownsville Farmers Market [Every Saturday in March]
McAllen Farmers Market [Saturdays]
Quinta Mazatlan Family Forest Walk [Every Saturday in March]
Prenatal Yoga [Every Tuesday in March]
NWA Wrestling Revolution [Every Friday in March]
Pack a picnic or pack up the car! Check out these helpful guides as you plan your August activities.
Family Fun Night Activities [August 17th]
Evening Explorations: Movie Night in the Park: Rock Night! [August 17th]
Family Forest Walk [August 19th]
IMAS Back to School Bash [August 19th]
McAllen Farmers Market [August 19th]
Brownsville Farmers Market [Every Saturday]
Quinta Mazatlan Family Forest Walk [Every Saturday]
Prenatal Yoga [Every Tuesday]
Solar Eclipse Viewing Party [August 21st]
Family Summer Adventure Challenge [ongoing, ends August 26th]
Family Fun Night Activities [August 24th]
Evening Explorations: Spiderman! [August 24th]
EWBC Spectacular Saturdays [August 26th]
Family Forest Walk [August 26th]
CMB Community Night [August 27th]
Lunada at Linear Park [August 27th]
Evening Explorations: Youth Photo Contest Awards Ceremony [August 31st]
Brownsville Farmers Market [Every Saturday]
Quinta Mazatlan Family Forest Walk [Every Saturday]
Prenatal Yoga [Every Tuesday]
NWA Wrestling Revolution [Every Friday]