Every time the holidays come around, I can’t wait to spend time with friends and family. And when we do, there is always someone that says, “Your girls are so well behaved!” or “How do you do it?” It always makes me think back…
Happy Memories
Thinking about my childhood, I remember my dad always dropping us off at school and my mom picking us up. My mom had a few part-time jobs, but was usually a housewife. I also remember having one-on-one time with my daddy as mom cooked dinner, my younger sister always finding a way to annoy both mom and dad. On the weekends, we would go into town and find something to do. We took at least one mini vacation a year, when my dad had vacation and it was a good time of year to travel.
Those were the days… We always drove. (Well, Dad drove!) The longest, the last, and the most memorable vacation that we took as a family was to The Grand Canyon. It was the first time he let me drive— I think I was a Sophomore in high school and had just gotten my drivers license. I was so scared, but I did it!
We were so shocked when my daddy was diagnosed with cancer and lost his battle only a few days later.
Meaningful Motto
To get to the point, my dad has now been gone for over ten years. Besides thinking about him everyday I wanted to share something with my family, especially my daughters, that he taught me growing up:
This has been my motto for the past few years. I was lost after losing my father, but when the holidays came around, and with my girls growing up, it really made me think back to my childhood. I finally found my place as a mother and wife, and eventually found my way. Ever since then, I try my best to not rush through life and have removed the word “hurry” from my vocabulary. I am enjoying the time I have as a mother, spending it with my girls and not worrying about how dirty the house is. Instead, I tell my girls how much I love them. I spend time with them, listening to them, reading to them, going on hikes, and being that mom that plays with them on the playground.
I thank my daddy everyday for teaching me the importance of family and spending quality time together. I believe that has really impacted my daughters and their behavior. That’s why I always look forward to spending time with everyone during the holidays. We savor every moment.
What’s your motto for motherhood?