Who wants to keep their resolution this year? I have the solution for me. I’m no scientist, but I have been testing it for the past few weeks, and (even if it’s all in my head) I think it works!
We all know that everything needs water to survive, and we’ve all heard that there’s a formula to know how much we need to drink… but did you ever think it would help with your New Year’s Resolution?
Water has other amazing benefits, besides keeping you hydrated and making things grow. Water is needed for optimal brain function and, hence, will help you to remember that Resolution!
If one of your Resolutions was to be more active, water can help. Drinking more water will help with that fatigue you may be feeling after the holidays, and help you get back on your feet in no time! Once you become more active, you will have an easier time falling asleep. And if you are well rested, you’ll be ready to take on the next day. Water is the key!
Like I mentioned before, I’ve been testing this theory. I’ve been drinking well over 100 ounces of water each day and have gone to bed before 9 pm twice this week, taken on a 5 mile hike this morning, and even kept the sink clean. A few of my goals were to have breakfast every morning, be more active, and stay on top of household chores (before they get out of hand and I end up telling hubby to go grab a pizza for dinner ‘cus I was too tired to wash the dishes that had piled into the sink! LOL). But since I have been drinking more water, everything else has just fallen into place! I have WATER to thank for that. I even lost 2.5 lbs! A great way to start of 2016, if I do say so myself.
There are several studies out there that tell us how important water is, yet we still have a hard time chugging that down. Hopefully, I have given you another reason to drink more water, and reach your goals at the same time. If you haven’t set your 2016 Goals/Resolutions yet, check out Tonya’s post from last year, “Setting Goals in the New Year as a Family.” She shared some great tips to help you get started, and get the whole family on board!
Here are a few tips to help with consuming more water:
1. Add it up! There are lots of apps you can download to help you keep track.
2. Mark it up! Mark times or numbers on your bottle with a sharpie to stay on track.
3. Shake it up! Instead of a you favorite drink with lunch, try WATER instead.
4. Wake it up! Drink a full glass of water first time in the morning.
Let’s think about this for a second… Get your Goal in mind and… Let’s DRINK to it!