I’m going to be completely honest with you. I loathe planning birthday parties. Seriously. They’re expensive and they require so much planning. I’m not a planner. I am writing this blog post at midnight before it has to go live at 7:00 am. I just work better under pressure.
But I digress, back to my point …
I try my hardest to have birthday parties that require very little planning and even less money. I’ve done play date parties, classroom parties, and Chuck E Cheese parties (without the party package and a ton of coupons at 10:00 am in the middle of the week in February – BTW that was a genius idea and on the cheap!).
Don’t get me wrong and label me just yet. I can throw them with the best of them. But I have to space them out and I have to make them count. This year I decided to go BIG and throw a triple party for the kids. Their birthdays are December, January and February. Can you say “3 birds, 1 stone”?
I have this crazy obsession with puns and I am always looking to create the next cutest invitation theme. So Taite was having his first birthday and I wanted to have a Winter ONEderland theme. But I just couldn’t justify making it snow in the RGV for a birthday he wouldn’t even remember!
But then again, the theme was just too good to pass up. So I told my husband of my brilliant idea. He was all like “You’re smoking something right?” I tried to convince him I could write it off since I would take photos and blog about it and create all these super cute invitations and water bottle labels and banners and ,… he threw the word budget around and the idea lost it’s sparkle.
Then I had an “aha” moment. What if I took his budget idea and tripled it (three kids you know!). He admitted I had him there and finally gave in. The kids were having a Snow Party!

It was snow much fun – pun intended! The kids had a blast and it was one of those things they will remember forever (because I will remind them forever).

The looks on those kid’s faces as they made snow angels and snowmen and threw snowballs at Mommy and Daddy though,


Without a doubt, I would do it again. Happy birthday my sweet little angels!

Want to know more about how it works and my snow guy contact? Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post Rio Grande Valley Snow Day – How do they do that? and I’ll give you all the details.
What was the craziest or most outrageous party you have planned and executed for your child/children? What were their ages? Would you do it again?
It does sound like snow much fun! Can’t wait to read tomorrow to see how I could have one too!