Poem by Vannessa Eggleston
‘Twas the night before Kinder and all through the house
not a creature was stirring, except for one spouse.
A child’s clothes had been selected and placed at the foot of his bed with care,
in hopes that his first day of school soon would be there.
Her 5-year-old son was nestled all snug in his bed
as visions of crayons danced in his head.
So Mama reached for her wine to deal with the dread
of what morning would bring when she’d have to get her son out of bed.
When off in her bedroom there arose such a clatter
her husband was ecstatic; with early bed times, all alone he would have her.
Sweet man full of hope, he had no way to know
that Mom was about to let the tears flow.
Her baby had grown overnight, you might say in a flash
but he was still her little man for he hadn’t even a ‘stache.
“Now Vannessa! Calm down! And please just listen!”
“He can’t stay at home forever; he needs to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.”
There her man stood so handsome and tall,
all she could do was in his open arms fall.
Before she could dream, she heard the ring of the alarm.
The room was still dark when she felt his caress on her arm.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear?
But her five-year old son with a grin ear to ear.
His eyes were twinkling with excitement and joy,
Dressed in his uniform, he looked like such a big boy!
A bundle of new school supplies he had flung in his backpack,
He was strapped in her minivan and he never looked back.
Tomorrow is Cole’s first day of Kindergarten! Eek!!!! I cannot consume enough wine to battle the frenzy and anxiety tonight will bring. Not only am I a light-weight, I am also 5 months pregnant. No reason I can’t have my husband make me some non-alcoholic pina coladas though. I have a feeling tonight is gonna be a loooong night. Bottoms up!